Approx Cost:
Course books $30.00.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

It is expected students have studied CHE201 to enter this course and obtained  a minimum of 11 credits plus an Achieved in an external from the CHE201 course.

Course Outline:

Most of the Year 13 courses are developed further from Level 2.  This course covers:

3.2   Spectroscopy.

3.4   Thermochemistry.

3.5   Organic substances.

3.7   Oxidation reduction. 

There are internal Achievement Standard assessments during the year, with external assessments at the end of the year.

As a guide please click here to see the standards that were included in the 2024 course.  These can potentially change for 2025.

Where Does It Lead:

To Stage 1 university courses which may lead to science degrees and are part of the intermediate for engineering, veterinary, medical and forestry schools.

Chemistry is also required for most Biology based degrees. The course also leads on to Polytechnic where it may lead directly to Stage 2 or 3 courses. Any career with a laboratory basis. Desirable for Nursing, Radiography and Agriculture courses.

For further information see:
Miss Humphrey-Taylor