Approx Cost:
$20 to cover workbooks and materials.
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Open Entry

Course Outline:

This course is aimed at using computer and music technology to create music and sound art.  No previous knowledge of music is required.  The course focuses on introducing the learner to music technology for creating electronic music and recording sounds.  Students will learn how to use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to record and edit sounds, programme and sequence drums and other instruments, how to use effects to manipulate audio as well as sampling and how to use a synthesizer. 

Student will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge by creating pieces of electronic music which may include EDM, Drum and Bass, Hip Hop etc 

During the course, we will: 

  • Explore the concepts and ideas used in electronic music 
  • Learn and understand the tools and equipment used  
  • Analyse written and recorded music to explore various musical concepts, genres 
  • Learn how to create and structure electronic music 
  • Topic Tests
  • Short tasks to demonstrate learning
  • The completion of a song
Where Does It Lead:

Students who take this course may wish to move into one of the other music courses that are on offer and complete the electronic music standards that are offered.


For further information see:
Mr Beard