Approx Cost:
Nil, but a scientific calculator is required for this course
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Course Outline:

This is an optional course for students wanting support in gaining their NCEA Corequisite Numeracy digital exam and is taken in addition to the JMATc Mathematics course.

It explores problems and contexts involving the application of Mathematics and Statistics in everyday life situations within Aotearoa and the Pacific region.

A Scientific calculator with a fraction key will be needed along with a ruler.


Students are assessed using tests, problem solving tasks, and assignments, as well as an eAsttle Numeracy readiness test.

If they are ready, students can sit the NCEA Corequisite Numeracy online Assessment during the semester.

Where Does It Lead:

No Year 11 pathway.

For further information see:
Mr Phillipps