Technology Requirements:
A laptop is of benefit for this course
Entry Recommendations:

Students are expected to have at least one year of prior learning is required, or discuss their suitability with TIC Māori.

Course Outline:

E ngā toa o te hokowhitu a te reo Māori, nei au e mihi ana ki a koutou.  This course is a continuation from Te Takawaenga Part 1, during which students will continue to build on the four language skills.  The primary focus is to develop a practical confidence across - reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Topics to be covered:

Te Ao Taiohi – The teenage world

Te Ao Pāpāho Māori – The World of Māori Media

Assessments will consist of end of topic tests, and a test of the particular skill taught. Frequent vocabulary test will also measure our progress.


Where Does It Lead:

NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Māori

For further information see:
Matua Tihirangi