Approx Cost:
$5.00 for course materials
Technology Requirements:
A laptop is essential for this course
Entry Recommendations:

This course is open entry but an enjoyment of writing is a must.

Course Outline:

This course will support students develop the skills essential for the NCEA literacy writing co-requisite that is assessed in Year 11.

Love writing? This semester course dedicated to creative and formal writing. Learn new ways to express yourself and how to persuade people of your opinion. Students will choose whether they present a piece of creative writing or formal writing for assessment. This course will also have a focus on grammar and spelling and how being clear in meaning is crucial to being successful.

• close reading skills
• speaking and presenting skills
• formal writing skills
• creative writing skills


There are two assessments in this course.

Where Does It Lead:

ENW201, ENC201, ENG201, ENH201, ENS201, ENS001 and ENR001 (if entry requirements are met for these courses) ENG202, LIT001.

For further information see:
Miss Miles - Year 10 students
Mrs Ryan - Year 11 students