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Year 10

In Year 10 students complete their junior program by studying a combination of compulsory and option courses, see below. Students are not in core classes when studying their compulsory courses. Classes are mixed, similar to option courses. 


Compulsory courses: Students are assigned one semester of Health & PE, Mathematics and Science and two semesters of English and Social Studies. Students can choose a Mathematics option course (JNUM) if they want to study two semesters of Mathematics or if they need assistance in preparing for the NCEA numeracy exams in Year 10.

Option Courses: Students choose five semester courses. They can choose to do one semester course from a subject area e.g. Drama - b or take two semester courses from a subject area, which is equivalent to a whole year course e.g. Drama - b & c.  

Languages: We strongly recommend students do all three Junior Semesters of their selected language if they intend doing Languages from Year 11 -13. This will provide a very good foundation that will support student success at  NCEA Level 2 and 3.

Enrichment: Most courses provide opportunities for enrichment tasks. Some students may want to study a/some Year 11 semester courses. They should contact the Year 10 Tutor (Miss Vernall, KVE) first before completing their course selections, to ensure they are adequately suited to studying Year 11 courses. 


Please note:

    • A few Year 10 semester courses (e.g. languages and music) require you to complete semester a first, before doing semester b or, semester b before semester c. Please read the course recommendations carefully to be aware of these details.
    • As part of the Health & Physical Education curriculum, students attend a three-day camp in Term Four.
    • Placement into next year’s Year 11 courses is dependent on Year 10 results.
    • It is important to check recommendations and associated fees for all courses in the course descriptions.

 For a quick guide of what to do for Course selction at Lincoln High School refer to the video below:

August Selection Video

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Currently viewing courses for 2025

Arts - 10 courses have been found

Art - Sculpture and Painting - JARTc

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Art – Photography and Graphic Design - JARTb

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Dance - JDANb

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Drama - Centre Stage - JDRAc

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Drama -The Performer's Toolkit - JDRAb

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Electronic Music Production - JMUE

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Pūoro Music Beyond the Basics - JMUSc

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Pūoro Music Let’s get playing! - JMUSb

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Te Ao Haka- Part B - JTAHb

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Te Ao Haka- Part C - JTAHc

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Careers & Pathways - 1 courses have been found

Career Exploration - JCAE

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English - 4 courses have been found

English - JENGb

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English - JENGc

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English for Speakers of Other Languages (Foundation or Elementary Levels) - JESFc

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The 'Write Stuff' - Writing in English - WRT001

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Health & Physical Education - 2 courses have been found

Health and Physical Education - JHPEc

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PE - Understanding Movement - JPEU

PE - Understanding Movement - JPEU

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Languages - 10 courses have been found

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Chinese Language and Culture - JCHIc

Chinese Language and Culture - JCHIc

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Chinese Language and Culture - JCHIb

Chinese Language and Culture - JCHIb

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French Language and Culture - JFREb

French Language and Culture - JFREb

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French Language and Culture - JFREc

French Language and Culture - JFREc

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German Language and Culture - JGERb

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German Language and Culture - JGERc

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Japanese -  Language and Culture - JJPEb

Japanese - Language and Culture - JJPEb

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Japanese - Language and Culture - JJPEc

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Māori Part A - Te Rito - JMAOb

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Māori Part B - Te Whakatipu - JMAOc*

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Mathematics and Statistics - 2 courses have been found

Junior Numeracy - JNUM

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Mathematics - JMATc

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Science - 4 courses have been found

Adopt-a-Scientist - JAAS

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Agricultural and Horticultural - Advanced - JAGRc

Agricultural and Horticultural - Advanced - JAGRc

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Agricultural and Horticultural Techniques and Skills - JAGRb

Agricultural and Horticultural Techniques and Skills - JAGRb

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Science - JSCIc

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Social Sciences / Media / Commerce - 5 courses have been found

Business Enterprise - JBUS

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Financial Literacy - JFIL

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Media Production - JMEPb

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Social Sciences - JSOSb

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Social Sciences - JSOSc

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Technology - 9 courses have been found

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 Materials Technology - Hard Materials - JMTHb

Materials Technology - Hard Materials - JMTHb

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 Materials Technology - Hard Materials - JMTHc

Materials Technology - Hard Materials - JMTHc

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Design & Visual Communication - Part B - JDVCb

Design & Visual Communication - Part B - JDVCb

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Design & Visual Communication - Part C - JDVCc

Design & Visual Communication - Part C - JDVCc

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Design Technology Fashion - JDTFc

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Digital Technologies (Computational-Thinking) - JDTC

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Digital Technologies Electronics - JDTE

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Junior Food and Nutrition Technology B - JFNTb

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Junior Food and Nutrition Technology C - JFNTc

Course details


In Year 9 students start the first year of their two year junior programme. Year 9 consists of two semesters (half year-long) with a combination of compulsory courses and option courses chosen by the students. 

In Year 9 students will take 12 semester (half-year) courses that include:

a) Compulsory Courses - Two semesters of Health & PE, Mathematics, Science, and one Semester of English and Social Studies. (the reverse happens in Year 10, the second year of the junior programme). Students can choose a Year 9 English optional course (Writing - JWRT) if they want to study two semesters of English courses or if they need assistance in preparing for the NCEA literacy exams in Year 10 and 11.

b) Option Courses - Four semesters of option courses (note: students choose 5 option courses in Year 10, the second year of the junior programme).

Languages: We strongly recommend students do all 3 Junior Semesters of their selected language if they intend doing Languages from Year 11 -13. This will provide a very good foundation that will support student success at  NCEA Level 2 and 3.

In Year 10 students complete their junior program by studying a combination of compulsory and option courses, see below. Students are not in core classes when studying their compulsory courses. Classes are mixed, similar to option courses. 


Compulsory courses: Students are assigned one semester of Health & PE, Mathematics and Science and two semesters of English and Social Studies.  Students can choose a Mathematics option course (JNUM) if they want to study two semesters of Mathematics or if they need assistance in preparing for the NCEA numeracy exams in Year 10.

Option Courses: Students choose five semester courses. They can choose to do one semester course from a subject area e.g. Drama - b or take two semester courses from a subject area, which is equivalent to a whole year course e.g. Drama - b & c.  

Languages: We strongly recommend students do all three Junior Semesters of their selected language if they intend doing Languages from Year 11 -13. This will provide a very good foundation that will support student success at  NCEA Level 2 and 3.

Enrichment: Most courses provide opportunities for enrichment tasks. Some students may want to study a/some Year 11 semester courses. They should contact the Year 10 Tutor (Miss Vernall, KVE) first before completing their course selections, to ensure they are adequately suited to studying Year 11 courses. 

Please note:

  • A few Year 10 semester courses (e.g. languages and music) require you to complete semester a first, before doing semester b or, semester b before semester c. Please read the course recommendations carefully to be aware of these details.
  •  As part of the Health & Physical Education curriculum, students attend a three-day camp in Term Four.
  • Placement into next year’s Year 11 courses is dependent on Year 10 results.
  • It is important to check recommendations and associated fees for all courses in the course descriptions.

Students don’t complete NCEA Level 1 in Year 11. Instead, we focus on all students having NCEA literacy and numeracy (most will have achieved this in Year 10). In addition, students get to experience a variety of courses that can be studied in depth. In some Year 11 courses there may be a small number of Level 2 credits on offer. The content covered in each course will include the knowledge required to continue into Year 12 for that particular course.  In summary, Year 11 and 12 are dedicated to the completion of Level 2 NCEA.

Semester Courses:

Year 11 students study 12 semester (half year) courses.  This equates to six year-long courses.  English and Mathematics are compulsory, but Science is also strongly recommended.  Students are required to select two English and two Mathematics semester courses (a year of each).  The remaining eight semester courses can be made up of:

  • selecting single courses from a subject area eg: 11BIOa (Biology-Human)


  • selecting two courses from a subject area eg: 11BIOa and 11BIOb.  This equates to a whole year of Biology.

A few semester two courses require you to complete semester one first, before doing semester two.

These semester two courses have an * at the end of their code:

    • Visual Arts (11ARTc*)
    • Chinese -Part 2 (11CHIb*)
    • French – Part 2 (11FREb*)
    • German – Part 2 (11GERb*)
    • Japanese – Part 2 (11JPEb*)

    Note: It is important to check recommendations and associated fees for all courses in the course descriptions.

In English, you will choose two English courses.  

 If you need more support with literacy, you can choose 11ENLa & b English Literacy as one of your courses.


Year 12 students study six year-long courses (see individual course details and Course Planning Chart).  There are no compulsory courses, however, English and Mathematics are strongly recommended.

Students have the option of studying five courses. In such cases, students will be placed in the Independent Learning Project (ILP001) course, in addition to their five courses, so that they can be mentored and have their progress monitored.

Prior to selecting courses online, students should consider discussing their possible options with this year’s teachers as well as attend the Course Selection afternoon. 

Note: It is important to check recommendations and associated fees for all courses in the course descriptions.


Year 13 students study five year-long courses (see individual course details and Course Planning Chart) and have an Independent Study (IST).  A sixth course can be selected in place of IST.  Students have the option of studying four courses.  In such cases, students will be placed in the Independent Learning Project (ILP001) course, in addition to their four courses, so that they can be mentored and have their progress monitored.

For students that are intending to gain University Entrance it is strongly recommended that they select at least four University Entrance approved courses.  Refer to individual course details to check if a course is a University Entrance approved subject

Year 13 (IST) is independent, unsupervised learning that can take place at school or at home.  Students are responsible for managing their work during this time. 

Prior to selecting courses online, students should consider discussing their possible options with this year’s teachers as well as attend the Course Selection afternoon.   

Students who have not completed NCEA Level 2 while in Year 12 may receive a customised timetable to support the completion of NCEA Level 2 while in Year 13.

Note: It is important to check recommendations and associated fees for all courses in the course descriptions.

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